One Child,
One Smile,
One Hope

Assistance To Vulnerable Children And Youth For An Inclusive School And Successful Professional Integration

WOMF was created in 2004 in accordance with Law No. 90/053 of December 19, 1990 governing associations in Cameroon, under the name MARY LANDRIEU FOUNDATION, by authorization No. 048/RDA/J06/BAPP of January 21, 2004. It changed its name in August 2012 to become “WORLD ORGANISATION OF MOTHERS FOUNDERS OF SOCIAL WORKS” abbreviated WOMF, by authorization N°00001266/RRDA/J06/BAPP of August 10, 2012.
This new name was born from the common burning desires of the members to circumscribe and accentuate the actions of the organization on the search for concrete solutions to the thorny problems of school, academic support for pupils and students who come from poor and vulnerable families. These young learners at risk of school/academic exclusion, due to the state of poverty of their families, are often forced to abandon their studies early. This situation sacrifices the potential of a large section of the population while subjecting it to perpetual impoverishment. 

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Education contributes to the achievement of some sustainable development goals. In particular goal 4, (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all). Goal 10 (Reducing inequalities within and among countries). The right to education is one of the universal rights, contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its article 26. Cameroon signed and ratified, the International Convention of the Rights of the Child respectively on the 11th of January 1993 and October 10, 1990. The Convention in its articles 28 and 29.1, evoke the right of every child to education as well as a systematic approach to identify and eliminate the obstacles that prevent it.
Cameroon has a good interest in equity in access to education in its National Development Strategy 2020-2030 inclusiveness in education. As mentioned in the Convention on the Rights of Persons living with Disabilities, it holds a very important fact of integrating devices into schools that promote better integration of children living with disabilities. It contributes to the respect of rights and cultures of the learners. Cameroonian civil society, alongside the State and the Decentralized Territorial Communities, contribute to the achievement of the objectives contained in the National Development Strategy 2020-2030 in particular those related to equity in access to education. 

Contact Us

If you know of one or more vulnerable children, please click on the button below to find out how to get in touch with us.

Throughout the national territory of Cameroon, the actions carried out by the WORLD ORGANISATION OF MOTHERS FOUNDERS OF SOCIAL WORKS (WOMF) advocates for equity and inclusion in access to quality education which fall within this framework. It is an inclusive approach to education which is a priority of the Government of Cameroon and several international organizations. All these actors are aware that education provides each child with the knowledge and skills necessary to fully realize their potential and optimize the contribution they make to their communities. The inclusive education approach contributes to the construction of social justice, a guarantee of sustainable peace and social stability. One of the main objectives of the WORLD ORGANISATION OF MOTHERS FOUNDERS OF SOCIAL WORKS is to actively contribute to the implementation of equity in access to quality education and the effectiveness of the inclusive approach.


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