Our Achievements

and Perspectives

Achievements of WOMF

From the creation to the present days: it supporting and sponsoring of 120 pupils and students per year throughout the national territory distributed as follows:

From 2004 to 2008

Schooling of 386 pupils and students, including regenerated jobs

– Adamaoua 13 5 jobs
– Center 194 50 jobs
– East 35 8 jobs
– Far North 33 2 jobs
– North 15 5 jobs
– North-west 36 10 jobs
– West 12 7 jobs
– South 12 3 jobs
– Sud-west 36 10 jobs 

From 2008 to 2012

Schooling of 450 pupils and students, including regenerated jobs

– Adamaoua 25 4 jobs
– Center 130 40 jobs
– East 55 13 jobs
– Far North 55 10 jobs
– North 25 4 jobs
– North-west 50 10 jobs
– West 25 4 jobs
– South 30 5 jobs
– South-west 50 10 jobs 

From 2012 to 2016

Schooling of 450 pupils and students, including regenerated jobs

– Adamaoua 25 4 jobs
– Center 130 40 jobs
– East 55 13 jobs
– Far North 55 10 jobs
– North 25 4 jobs
– North-West 50 10 jobs
– West 25 4 jobs
– South 30 5 jobs
– South-West 50 10 jobs 

From 2016 to 2020

Schooling of 450 pupils and students, including regenerated jobs

– Adamaoua 25 4 jobs
– Center 130 40 jobs
– East 55 13 jobs
– Far North 55 10 jobs
– North 25 4 jobs
– North-West 50 10 jobs
– West 25 4 jobs
– South 30 5 jobs
– South-West 50 10 jobs 

From 2020 to 2022

Schooling of 240 pupils and students, including regenerated jobs

– Adamaoua 11 5 jobs
– Center 81 30 jobs
– East 32 7 jobs
– Far North 30 6 jobs
– North 11 5 jobs
– North-West 30 6 jobs
– West 10 5 jobs
– South 11 5 jobs
– South-West 30 6 jobs 

This makes a total of 1 976 pupils and students enrolled in 18 years and 475 jobs regenerated.

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Number of educational talks

We also intensified the educational talks to raise awareness of our students and that of young girls, their integration into scientific fields and ICT courses and also the awareness of the educational community on the integration of children with disabilities for the promotion of inclusive education. For the integration of the young girls in the scientific fields and in ICT, WOMF has carried out 36 training sessions at the rate of one session per quarter and 04 sessions per year. With regards to educational talks for the integration of people with disabilities for the promotion of inclusive education, we have carried out 36 talk sessions at the rate of one session per quarter 04 sessions per year for 18 years. In each category there were 36 sessions.
We have trained 150 women in soap making, 100 women in snail and mushroom farming, 100 women in fish and chicken smoking.
The total support for destitute children through the non-payment of tuition in our schools.
Contributions of 1000frs per learner in all WOMF schools; these amounts are used for the various needs of these children, such as ; the purchase of school supplies, school uniforms, canteen, health care, family support, training for mothers and others.
It should be noted that a preliminary budget is studied, which means that we often make free will donations to cover the entire program. 

Strategies used by WOMF to carry out these activities

Self-financing by WOMF Schools;
Each founding member is an owner of a school, one thousand CFA francs are collected per student enrolled. Example: if a school has 600 students; it will be (six hundred thousand CFA francs) in addition to the free will donation after assessing these children needs.
It should be noted that vulnerable children attend our schools without paying tuition fees. These fees are borne by the founders of WOMF schools, contributions and free will donations are used to pay for school supplies, class uniforms, the canteen, health care, small family support, transportation. 

Relations with Government

Apart from the accreditation as an NGO obtained from the Ministry of Territorial Administration; we have the registration certificate of the Ministry of Social Affairs giving us a recognition of existence with this Ministry. We are also recognized by ;
– the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education
– the Ministry for Women Empowerment and the Family.
– the Ministry of External Relations
The Ministry of Territorial Administration is the Tutelage Ministry, which grants the accreditation as an NGO. We are bound by a frank collaboration, by providing them with annual activity reports. It is also bound to control the management and the smooth running of the organization.
The Ministry of Social Affairs is also one of the Tutelage Ministry. It is our guide, it supervises us for social surveys. We also have a frank collaboration with it, because it allows us to follow terms of reference without derailment and we also submit annual activity reports to them.
The Ministry of Youth and Civic Education is our target especially as we take care of young people. The organization is registered with the National Youth Council and our pupils and students are part of it. It is this Ministry which has the monopoly of volunteering which is the main action of WOMF. Our organization is part of PLAVOLCAM (platform for volunteering in Cameroon), we provide annual reports.
The Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family also advises and solves problems related to the young girl and the mothers of our children. We also Prepare and send to them our annual reports.
The Ministry of External Relations as its name suggests helps us in processing of the partnership with the whole world. The WOMF is registered there as an international Organization. We also provide annual activity reports.
The WOMF schools have authorizations of creation and opening from the Ministries of Basic Education and Secondary Education, whose activity reports are provided on regular basis. 

Contact Us

If you know of one or more vulnerable children, please click on the button below to find out how to get in touch with us.

Table showing an example of the costs and financial needs that WOMF must cover by level of study

Table showing an example of the costs and financial needs that WOMF must cover by level of study


We have estimated the needs for vulnerable children by level in terms of schooling. One of the main objectives of the World Organisation of Mothers Founders of Social Works is to actively contribute to the implementation of equity in access to quality education, the inclusive approach. For so doing, there are considerable needs to cover school fees, school supplies, canteen, health and family support. Financial resources are required to cover these needs:
– Infrastructures,
– laboratory equipment,
– suitable equipment for physical disabled people
– suitable equipment for the blind and the deaf,
– suitable material to the malformations of loss of certain limbs,
– leisure and cultural infrastructures for disabled children,
– suitable equipment and infrastructures to the inclusive approach,
– the training of teachers specialized in the inclusive approach.  

PETIT LAPIN : 7 750 000 XAF
LES AGNELETS : 6 200 000 XAF
LA BERGERIE : 6 200 000 XAF
BENE SUZA : 6 200 000 XAF
TOTAL : 32 550 000 XAF
General total of WOMF structures and schools budget load per year 53 268 000 XAF

In the complex where the headquarters of WOMF is located, the founder chairwoman, the initiator of this project, we have 30 students whose needs cost is estimated at 20,718,000 XAF.
Children from external structures at 7,125,000 XAF, Higher Education 3,380,000 XAF for a total of 20,718,000 XAF.
The minimum cost per child is estimated between 250,000 XAF and 845,000 XAF. These expenses are standard in all WOMF schools which are 06 in number.
We estimated the needs of vulnerable children by level in terms of schooling, because one of the main objectives of this Organization is social works and to actively contribute to the implementation of equity in the access to quality education and inclusive approach.
The WOMF also estimated the needs for leisure and cultural equipment and infrastructure for children with disabilities.
– Infirmary equipment requirements,
– laboratory equipment requirements,
– Training needs for special education teachers,
– Organization requirement for a smooth running of this work.

Most of these children still found themselves on the street, in precariousness and poverty. That is why we have integrated and improved the scope of our activities, hence the training and socio-professional integration since 2012. 

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