Why and How to help us?

Why help us ?


For the schooling of children, we need financial support in forms of scholarships for children and young people. You can also sponsor income generating projects to enable us become self-sponsor


Regarding the laboratory requirement, school equipment and infrastructure and other supplies, it is up to the partner’s or the benefactor’s choice.


In the East Region, some Baka children live in the forest with their parents, they are pygmy children who receive full care, clothing, school uniforms, health, school bags with supplies, feeding, etc. These cases are numerous, WOMF is a partner of that school. But unfortunately, due to lack of means, can only support a few learners.

Adouraman et Ali orphelins de Boko Harams

Adouraman and Ali, orphans of the Boko Haram war

These two children are from the Bidjar orphanage in the Far North, they lost all their parents in the Boko Haram war and there are many in the same situation in this orphanage

AMOMBO Marie Lucie,  Elève au lycée de la Cité Verte en classe de 4e

AMOMBO Marie Lucie,
Student at lycée de la Cité-Verte in form 3

This child lives in a swamp of a slum in Yaounde her mother is abandoned by her father,such cases are also numerous.

These children are of refugee parents and they live in precarious conditions
All these children need benefactors or scholarships 



Internally displaced from the North-West, looking for benefactors.

KONGYUY Angel Gabriel Farida déplacée interne du Nord-Ouest, recherche des bienfaiteurs

KONGYUY Angel Gabriel Farida

Internally displaced from the North-West, looking for benefactors.

NKENGAFAC REJOICE NKEMBEZA déplacée interne du Sud-Ouest, recherche des bienfaiteurs


Internally displaced from the South-West, looking for benefactors.

ACHATESEH UNITY déplacé interne du Nord-Ouestt, recherche des bienfaiteurs


Internally displaced from the North-west, looking for benefactors.

Bébé retrouvé seul à cause de la guerre de Boko Haram pris en charge par la sœur Myriam

Baby found alone in the Boko Haram war cared for by sister Myriame.

Les enfants de l’orphelinat de Bidjar Extrême-Nord

Children from the Bidjar Far-North Orphanage

Due to lack of tables and benches, they sit on the floor during classes.

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